Subject: Re: vgahw and so on
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/16/2004 13:48:19
>> Some progress - the got around the dreaded "can't map video memory
>> [a0000,10000]", although I don't have the faintest idea what went
>> wrong
>> or why it works now.
> Are you perhaps seeing it work in single-user mode and not work in
> multi-user? If so, it's probably the securelevel / INSECURE option.
No, the box runs multiuser and the Xserver as root. Only one single
mmap() fails - the others which map the linear framebuffer, voodoo3
specific registers and so on work - but succeeds when using a different
file descriptor on /dev/mem. The file descriptor XFree uses isn't
corrupted or anything, it's just picky about this single memory range
for some weird reason.
have fun