Subject: Re: XFree86, more updates
To: Michael <>
From: Andreas Drewke <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/30/2004 14:30:02
I hope that your solution to this annoying problem will make it in the tree.
Because it would be so great if XFree86 would just work on NetBSD/macppc. I
am willing to test it of course with my PM7300 and its ATI Rage 128GL.
Did I understand that right that even leaving XFree86 will work properly and
makes the console usable after that?
> Hello,
> > Does this mean its now possible to start XFree86(at least) on
> > NetBSD/macppc
> > without patching ppc_video.c with M L Riechers hack?? Did you
> > committed it
> > already? Will newer releng builds include it?I really like to try it
> > out...
> I don't know about this hack, but what I did also involves changes in
> ppc_video.c ( and a few other files ). No, I didn't commit anything
> since I don't have the right kind of access permissions.
> But to answer the question - yes, most XFree drivers should just work
> now. You need a small kernel patch and a not so small patch in XFree,
> I'll make them available to download in the next few days - would be
> intresting if anything besides my voodoo3 ( your BeOS driver was a
> great help! ) works at all - it /should/ but you never know...
> have fun
> Michael
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