Subject: Re: new 8600 motherboard
To: None <>
From: Chris Tribo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/11/2004 00:39:16
> however.....
> 0 > boot cd:,ofwboot.xcf;1 netbsd.macppc;1
> RESETing to change Configuration!
That would be because there's no cd devalias on these machines.
Type devalias for a list. What you're probably looking for is
scsi-int/@3,OFWBOOT.XCF;1 (assuming the cdrom is at SCSI id 3) Remember it
needs to be a non-hybrid ISO-9660 disc for pre OFW v2.4 machines.
I've never tried to netboot my 8500 w/G3 upgrade, but the MACE
works fine in mine. Not the fastest thing on the planet, but it gets the
job done. There's probably a timing issue that is a little too long on
some chips for the driver to handle. You can see if you can find an Asante
mac or sun card with a mac boot rom so it is bootable from openfirmware.
I do know that OpenFirmware is very very particular about what options it
gets from the dhcp server. If any of the critical ones are missing it will
just ignore you completely. Make sure your dhcp config file is set to
answer bootp or run bootpd instead of dhcp.
Floppy drives for mac's haven't changed much since 1994, finding
one on ebay or from a parts heap should be pretty inexpensive.
The nice thing about Windows is - It does not just crash, it displays a
dialog box and lets you press 'OK' first.
-- Arno Schaefer