Subject: Re: firefox doesn't run
To: None <>
From: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/19/2004 21:19:49
>>>>> "bh" == Brian Hechinger <> writes:
bh> wonko@zaphod$ firefox
bh> Memory fault
probably no Unix has working firefox on gcc 3.x and powerpc. If one
does, probably little more is needed than to take the patch from their
package system and put it into ours.
In the mean time, you can use the NetBSD 1.6.x firefox with binary
compatibility. You'll also need uhh...perl, pth, and from NetBSD 1.6.x. I think it will dynlink the
2.0_BETA versions of all the other dependencies. I can't imagine why
that would work, but anyway, it is working for me on 2.0_BETA.
themes don't work, and of course ueberportable Javur is completely
hopeless on anything but i386. but it basically works. Javurscript
works. Tabs work. :'
Le fascisme est la dictature ouverte de la bourgeoisie.
-- Georg Dimitrov