Subject: Re: firefox doesn't run
To: parv <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/19/2004 19:39:17
>>> is epiphany small? i have Galeon building now, but it needs even
>>> more cruft than firefox!! holy bloat batman!
>> It needs gnome2, and galeon is actually smaller than FireFox - it
>> ignores all the XUL bloat and only uses the rendering engine.
> Isn't gnome2 LARGE by itself? Or, do you mean if gnome2 is already
> installed for something else (or maybe for its own sake), galeon's
> size would not matter much (in comparison to firefox)?
I said Epiphany uses gnome2, I'm not sure about galeon. Usually galeon
significantly faster than Epiphany.
have fun