Subject: Re: macppc boot process.
To: Izumi Tsutsui <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/30/2004 12:11:26
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On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 09:12:26PM +0900, Izumi Tsutsui wrote:
> In article <>
> wrote:
> > 1. Where is bootxx supposed to be on the disk device when OF loads it? I
> > assume this is where NetBSD puts it after installation.
> At the top of NetBSD partition specified in the Apple partition map.
> (installboot(8) writes "faked" partition map)
> Openfirmware (only version 1 or 2?) checks the map and load
> blocks specified in the map entry, I guess.
Yes. We fake up a "driver" that loads ofwboot.
> > 2. How is the bbinfo structure filled? How does bootxx know where
> > ofwboot.xcf is?
> installboot(8) fills it on writing bootxx into the disk.
> > 3. Why is ofwboot.xcf in the XCOFF format? why was there a change from
> > ELF?
> I think XCOFF is used because OpenFirmware doesn't recognize ELF.
> Note bootxx loads (raw) ofwboot, not ofwboot.xcf.
OFW versions 1 and 2 can netboot XCOFF files, or boot them off of msdos or=
cdroms. OFW 3 can read XCOFF and ELF, and can also read off of an HFS=20
partition. Even though ELF is our native format, we make an XCOFF so that=
we 1) have fewer files to mess with and 2) don't have to explain when to=20
use the elf and when to use the xcf versions.
Take care,
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