Subject: Re: mc0 performance
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/30/2004 12:37:22
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On Thu, Aug 26, 2004 at 04:09:42PM -0500, David Young wrote:
> I have a Umax Supermac S900 with a mc0 on a tiny daughterboard. I get
> about 1.2kB/s from it when it is not stalled. This is not satisfactory
> for downloading a ~2MB compressed kernel. :-) Does anybody know what is
> going on?
Are you netbooting the kernel, or downloading a kernel for future local=20
boot? I ask as the former uses the driver in OF (if there is one).
> The card has both an AUI port and a 10baseT port. It does not seem to
> make any difference in performance whether I plug a CAT5 cable into an
> AUI converter dongle or the 10baseT port.
> Looking at src/sys/arch/macppc/dev/if_mc.c, it seems that the author
> (Dave Huang) had intended to let me set media 10base5 or media 10baseT
> with ifconfig, but only media manual is available. (If there are switches
> inside the S900 to select the media, I have not found them.)
Sounds like there might be a negotiation issue. I know that ethernet in=20
general can get crap performance if one side has full-duplex turned on and=
the other doesn't.
Take care,
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