Subject: Re: mesh problems
To: netbsd-macppc <port-macppc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Riccardo Mottola <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/02/2004 10:47:00
"Michael G. Schabert" wrote:
> At 2:33 PM +0200 8/30/04, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
> >Since I once had this with problematic terminations I double checked: I
> >have 2 HD and a CD-ROM. Onlz the cd-rom at the end of the chain has
> >active termination enabled via a jumper and this is the disk that
> >contains NetBSD.
> You're running NetBSD from a CDROM?
not at all. The line should read 'only the HDD at the end of the chain
has at. term and that disk contains NetBSD'. An ibm DFHS 7200 rpm drive.
Now I tried to put this disk in the middle and put the macos disk at the
end and terminate that one, but no real improvements (although the
disconnects seem a little less frequent).
Probably Michael and Izumi are right, sync transfers don't work. Maybe
it is a bug? I have yet to test asynchronous, from what I hear it
requires building me a kernel.
However, if others confirm troubles with the mesh driver I think the bug
should be either solved or the sync option disabled by default. Or the
default kernel in the installer won't work... I don't remember the
situation in 1.6, this is 2.0