Subject: Re: mc0 performance
To: Michael G. Schabert <>
From: Paul Frommeyer <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/02/2004 14:36:21
In reply to your message of Thu, 02 Sep 2004 01:41:08 EDT:
| >Oh, one point of order on the MACE: if there is no link status on the
| >interface, it may fail to initialize properly. A plague of a problem in
| >MacOS, where Apple consistently coded the adev to fail the networking prefs
| >back to LocalTalk (you can imagine the havoc when a switch would go
| >offline and everyone would reboot... :-o).
| That was a "smart" feature of the AppleTalk driver, and not anything
| to do with the MACE ethernet. If you have AppleTalk turned off, and
| TCP/IP turned on, then you can boot as many times as you want with
| the ethernet cable unplugged and when you plug it in again, you'll
| still be set to [built-in] ethernet, and it will work for sending
| packets immediately without needing to do anything.
Whoops! Thanks for the errata. Maybe I was thinking of the old NuBus
Ethernet cards, which I think got their firmware loaded from the adev
at boot time...
Paul Frommeyer Work: Senior Network Engineer
Internet Engineer, CCIE Play: Network Sorcerer At Large