Subject: Re: Bring up questions
To: John Klos <>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/16/2004 20:55:08
At 08:27 PM 9/16/2004, John Klos wrote:
>>I have a G4 desktop that has a Stealth Serial Port with the DIN pins
>>connected to a DB25F. I have it hooked to the serial port (with a Null
>>Modem in between) on my laptop (running Hyperterm). I use a DB25M to DB9F
>>cable to connect the Null Modem to my laptop.
>Sounds straightforward.
>>When I power up the G4 I do not see anything on my Hyperterm session (I
>>have verified the settings wrt baud rate, stop bits etc..)
>Have you ever? Was this machine set to boot into Open Firmware? Were the
>input and output devices set to stta?
If the video card was pullep, OFW will automagically switch to the
modem port (stealth) @ 57600 8N1.
>>I believe only the TxD (pin 2) , RxD (pin 3) and Gnd (pin 7) of DB25F on
>>the G4 are of any significance.
>On the G4 end, you have RS422, so it's not as simple as pulling the TxD
>and RxD lines. Your cable should take care of that, though.
Actually it is. You just need TX,RX, and GND.
>>How do I see if anything is happening on the G4. I am not sure if the
>>last time it was turned off if it was set to autoboot.
>Plug in a monitor. If it comes up, reset the input and output devices. If
>not, zap the pram and try again.
The machine might not have a video card.
Matt Thomas email:
3am Software Foundry www:
Cupertino, CA disclaimer: I avow all knowledge of this message.