Subject: Re: firefox rendering problem?
To: Thomas Klausner <>
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Timo_Sch=F6ler?= <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/22/2004 15:16:47
>>> I have been having a problem with firefox since i upgraded to
>>> 2.0BETA.
>>> I have the gtk2 version installed, though, the same problem exists
>>> with
>>> the gtk1 version.
>>> Basically what happens is, when i scroll down a page, there are
>>> "residual lines" on the screen. When i highlight the region with
>>> these
>>> tracers on it, and click, the lines go away. I have a feeling it is
>>> something with my X installation (or rather, configuration), but i
>>> have
>>> not seen this problem in any other app, so maybe it is just firefox.
>>> Am I missing something in my XF86Config? an invalid option perhaps?
>>> The machine is a g4 800 (quicksilver) with an ATI Radeon 7500 video
>>> card.
>>> Thanks for any help.
>> hi,
>> i have *the same* problem here (Power Mac G4/400, 1GByte RAM, Radeon
>> 9000 Pro Mac Edition) running 2.0_BETA and -- a few days (5?) ago,
>> -current. firefox and mozilla (okay, if it didn't were this way, one
>> should be surprised ;) with that behaviour.
>> no solution yet (exept: have a MOSX machine handy and run the browser
>> remotely ;)
> I filed a bug report about this about a week ago, 26955.
> If you have additional information, please attach it to the PR.
i'll do so.
> Seems to be a macppc-specific problem in firefox, but I haven't
> been able to test it on something other than i386 and macppc.
> It would be interesting to know if it happens on other platforms
> too.
a friend of mine is installing NetBSD/amiga, i built it via cvs
(-current tho). perhaps he is lucky and doesn't get the effect. if
possible, i'll try on my sparc (i don't run X on my sparc64 yet).
mit vorzueglichster Hochachtung/best regards,
Timo Schoeler
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