Subject: Re: UFS root, how? was Re: 2.0 rc1 default catch
To: None <>
From: Kendall Shaw <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/05/2004 11:42:08 wrote:
> On Monday 04 October 2004 01:04, you wrote:
> In fact, I think your ofwboot.xcf is in the right place (HFS partition),
> but the netbsd kernel has to be in the netbsd root partition, not in the HFS
> one. ofwboot.xcf seems to be capable of finding a kernel on another
> partition, and this has to be the partition where you installed netbsd.
> on my computer:
> Partition map (with 512 byte blocks) on '/dev/wd0c'
> #: type name length base ( size )
> 1: Apple_partition_map Apple 63 @ 1
> 2: Apple_Free 262144 @ 64 (128.0M)
> 3: Apple_HFS macosx 26415168 @ 262208 ( 12.6G)
> 4: Apple_UFS netbsd_root 2097152 @ 26677376
> ( 1.0G)
> etc...
> ofwboot.xcf is in partition 3, netbsd kernel is in partition 4 and so I use
> boot hd:3,\ofwboot.xcf hd:4/netbsd
Okay, I've started over. On macos x diskutil list has:
#: type name size identifier
0: Apple_partition_scheme *74.5 GB disk0
1: Apple_partition_map 31.5 KB disk0s1
2: Apple_HFS NetBSD Boot 40.0 MB disk0s2
3: Apple_UNIX_SVR2 512.0 MB disk0s3
4: Apple_UFS NetBSD 71.7 GB disk0s4
In the disk0s2 partition I have ofwboot.xcf.
In disk0s4 I have netbsd-GENERIC_MD.gz
And this matches what I see from pdisk under netbsd when I boot
I installed using
boot ultra1:,\ofwboot.xcf ultra1:4,/netbsd-GENERIC_MD.gz
Under netbsd, mounting /dev/wd1a gets me the filesystem I expect to see
from what is disk0s4 under macos x.
disklabel wd1 prints an error message about an invalid MBR record, and
displays a partition layout that is very different from what I see from
pdisk, including multiple overlapping partitions.
After installation, this still works:
boot ultra1:,\ofwboot.xcf ultra1:4,/netbsd-GENERIC_MD.gz
this fails with 'DEFAULT CATCH!':
boot ultra1:,\ofwboot.xcf ultra1:4,/netbsd
dir ultra1:4,\
shows the file netbsd and the other directories and files that were
... So, it can read a file from the partition, but it fails for unknown
reasons without managing to finish loading the kernel.
Any more ideas?