Subject: Re: UFS root, how? was Re: 2.0 rc1 default catch
To: None <>
From: Kendall Shaw <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/05/2004 13:39:56
Kendall Shaw wrote:
> After installation, this still works:
> boot ultra1:,\ofwboot.xcf ultra1:4,/netbsd-GENERIC_MD.gz
> this fails with 'DEFAULT CATCH!':
> boot ultra1:,\ofwboot.xcf ultra1:4,/netbsd
> dir ultra1:4,\
> shows the file netbsd and the other directories and files that were
> installed.
> ... So, it can read a file from the partition, but it fails for unknown
> reasons without managing to finish loading the kernel.
Next, I tried using Apple_UNIX_SVR2. So, I have swap as /dev/wd1b
(disk0s2) and root as /dev/wd1a (disk0s3).
During the install, under netbsd I ran newfs /dev/wd1a. Now:
boot hd:,\ofwboot.xcf ultra1:3,/netbsd
I downloaded netbsd-GENERIC_MD.gz onto /dev/wd1a and:
boot hd:,\ofwboot.xcf ultra1:3,/netbsd-GENERIC_MD.gz
So, I gather it's not the partitions that are a problem. Something is
not working in the kernel.