Subject: Re: crash!
To: None <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/04/2004 08:22:16
On Thu, Nov 04, 2004 at 07:25:51AM -0500, Brian Hechinger wrote:
> i had a crash today. i had one yesterday, but i was in a hurry, so i rebooted
> the machine without looking into it.
> i updated my pkgsrc tree, went into chat/gaim and ran a 'make update' (same
> thing i did yesterday) and somewhere in the process of building libcrypt (or
> at least that is how it seems, i'll have to watch closer next time i try it)
> i get a panic:
ok, so it didn't do it again this time. however, as i remember now, i was
trying to telnet into another box both times when it heppend, not sure if that
is related or coincidence? odd.
IHTFP: I firmly believe that people dumber than me exist solely for my
IHTFP: Okay, maybe not solely for my amusement. Some of them make good cake.