Subject: Re: results of the IRC debug patch
To: Riccardo Mottola <>
From: Dave Huang <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/04/2004 17:12:27
On Sat, Dec 04, 2004 at 11:46:24PM +0100, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
> Tim Kelly wrote:
> >
> >
> > Another patch submitted (by Allen Briggs) in the past that was never committed.
> Hey, many months passed... could someone commit ?!
Does it actually work? Allen can commit it himself, but I didn't see
any response to his message saying whether or not it actually fixed
the problem.
Name: Dave Huang | Mammal, mammal / their names are called /
INet: | they raise a paw / the bat, the cat /
FurryMUCK: Dahan | dolphin and dog / koala bear and hog -- TMBG
Dahan: Hani G Y+C 29 Y++ L+++ W- C++ T++ A+ E+ S++ V++ F- Q+++ P+ B+ PA+ PL++