Subject: PowerMac 7300 won't boot 2.0 iso
To: None <>
From: Chaz McGarvey <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/10/2004 21:02:09
Hello list:
I'm having a bit of trouble booting the macppc ISO on a PowerMac 7300
(OF 1.0.5). It's got 1.6.2 installed already. It quits out with a
"default catch" and then further attempts (before a reset) produce
everyone's favorite "claim failed." The boot command I'm using is:
boot scsi-int/sd@3:0 NETBSD.MACPPC
which works for the 1.6.2 CD I burned (and still have). I burned
another CD-R using the 2.0 ISO in case I used a bad CD for the first
one, but it produces the same results. I'm using the same burning
software and CD-Rs that I used for burning my 1.6.2 CD, so I don't
think it's a problem with the burning.
Anyone else having problems?
Btw, I'm new here. Is anyone on this list? I guess I'll find out..
Chaz McGarvey