Subject: Re: MP, SP, extintr, mc, ofb
To: Michael <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/18/2004 06:38:18
> > I tried your kernel, didn't crash, but didn't see anything fan related,
> > but it's a G3
> > (hw.model = 750fx rev 2.2) and, dev /uni-n/i2c/fan .properties has
> > "adm1030" in compatibility and type fields, so I guess I shouldn't be
> > surprised.
> Yes, the driver won't attach if it doesn't find the right chip, uni-n and the other glue should though. Writing another one for the
> ADM1030 shouldn't be hard at all.
The data sheet is here:
so this chip has two thermal sensors, one internal one external ( measuring CPU temperature I guess ) and it can control one fan, either by temperature or by maintaining a programmable RPM value, defaults to temperature.
Main differences are that the temperature thresholds can only be programmed in 4C steps as 5bit values with 3 bit specifying the range in which to control the fan in 5C increments ( so when reaching Tmin the fan will spin slowly, if the temperature raises it will go faster and reach full speed at Tmin+Trange ). And the fan speed reading is only 8 bit vs. 16 bit on the 7467 but that's hardly a limitation :)
have fun