Subject: Re: need help with setting up serial link
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/29/2004 11:28:03
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On Wed, Dec 29, 2004 at 01:56:48PM -0500, der Mouse wrote:
> >> I found an adapter which I believe is a null modem it's db25 male on
> >> one end and db25 female connector on the other end I found some
> >> db9male-db25female
> > I don't think that's a null modem. A null modem should only have
> > female connections - it should look like a modem to both sides.
> In theory. But the association of DTE with male and DCE with female is
> largely dead by now - especially since so many people run serial over
> completely different connectors, like DE9 or miniDIN-8 or whatever.
In terms of DB9 and DB25, though, I think the association is still there.=
In that all the computers I've seen with DB9 and DB25 ports have male=20
ones. :-)
As for miniDIN-8, there are at least two forms. There's what Macs do,=20
which is really RS-422, and there is what Suns do, which is a repackaged=20
RS-232. At least in the mac neck of the woods, I've never seen DCE=20
hardware with miniDIN-8 hardware. All the cables go from mini-8 to DB25=20
> A null modem with male on one side and female on the other is not that
> unlikely, actually; it would be used when you have two DTEs with
> physically compatible connectors. (Indeed, I've even heard the term
> used - admittedly loosely argubly to the point of incorrectness - for a
> four-wire gadget wiring 1-1, 2-3, 3-2, 7-7, no control signals at all.)
If both DTEs have male connectors, how will a male-female connector help?=
> > I don't think the db25female is the serial port. Last time I looked,
> > which was just now actually, the female plug on the computer back is
> > the parallel port.
> I don't seem to have seen the message this was in response to, so I
> don't know whether the original post says what the machine in question
> is. But on my macppc machine, a Power Macintosh 4400, the DB25F on the
> back is actually the SCSI port.
You didn't copy the relevant line:
> mac|minidin8<-minidin8---------db25male<-db25female-db25male->db25female|=
Note the i386 at the far right. :-) This part is discussing connecting a=20
mac to a PC.
Take care,
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