Subject: Re: beige g3 and scsi troubles
To: Erik Hanspers <>
From: John <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/31/2004 01:24:02
OK, thanks. I'll try that and see if it works.
On Thu, 30 Dec 2004, Erik Hanspers wrote:
> John wrote:
> > 2004-12-26 kl. 00.27 skrev John:
> >>No, the installation kernels cannot do this, as they have do not have
> >>DDB (I would guess). I've only tried doing this with the 2.0 GENERIC
> >>kernel, which works well.
> >>If you wish to use the workaround to run 2.0 you could perhaps just
> >>build from source or download the binary sets and install manually.
> >
> > i'm not quite sure how to do a manual install of the binary sets. Do I
> > just copy the necessary sets into / and unpack them? I'm not sure if that
> > would work since I'm not able to boot any of the provided 2.0 kernels
> > except for the install kernel.
> You need to update ofwboot to be able to load the larger 2.0 kernels. I
> built this from source and used installboot on it. If you don't want to
> do this yourself, I can send you the relevant files you need to do that.
> Of course, if you already have the 2.0 binary sets laying around,
> ofwboot and bootxx that you need should be in there somewhere.
> Once you have that working, you should be able to load the 2.0 GENERIC
> kernel, so then you can try the workaround on that one.
> If that works you can upgrade manually, grab the sets you need and
> extract them all except etc.tgz into the root. Then read the install
> notes for what you need to do when upgrading (run MAKEDEV, and use
> postinstall to merge the new etc.tgz contents into your /etc)
> When done, you have netbsd 2.0. You will have to continue using the
> workaround each time you boot though, until the bug is fixed.