Subject: 2.0 panic
To: None <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/09/2005 10:50:59
I thought my 2.0 panics were finished after I backed up all the data from
an iffy filesystem and re-newfs'd it. However, this morning, this is what
I got:
panic: pmap_pte_spill: victim p-pte (0x167c168) has no pvo entry!
Begin traceback...
0xd6a1fe80: at pmap_pte_spill+0x390
0xd6a1fec0: at trap+0x6c0
0xd6a1ff40: user DSI write trap @ 0x41b819cc by 0x4182a168: srr1=0xf032
r1=0xffffcc20 cr=0x44044044 xer=0 ctr=0x5 dsisr=0x42000000
End traceback...
syncing disks... Stopped in pid 13.1 (aiodoned) at
0: lwz r
0, r1, 0x14
db> tr
0xd5e3ae10: at zs_abort+0x70
0xd5e3ae20: at zstty_stint+0xd4
0xd5e3ae40: at zsc_intr_hard+0x124
0xd5e3ae60: at zshard+0x54
0xd5e3ae80: at do_pending_int+0xc8
0xd5e3aec0: at splx+0x40
0xd5e3aed0: at wakeup+0x34
0xd5e3aef0: at uvm_aiodone_daemon+0xc4
0xd5e3af40: at cpu_switchto+0x44
saved LR(0xfffffffe) is invalid.
(7457 G4, 2.0 from 28-Dec-2004)