Subject: Re: on board ethernet card problem
To: Tomas D <>
From: Riccardo Mottola <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/12/2005 19:04:47
> I was looking through mailing lists and I'm quite sure
> that it was you, Michael who said never use rtl8029
> based nic's (; I wanted to buy this one coz it's like
> 5£ but after reading that post I've changed my mind
> and decided to get d-link I don't know how good it is
> but I guess it's not worse that rtk (;
> I actually really like SMC tlp nic's but I'm getting
> crc errors even with netbsd 2.0 on i386, this issue
> has been for quite awhile(since netbsd 1.6) however
> now I see far les errors on dmesg than I used to
> anyway I'll still try to sort my mc0 out plus add
> couple more nics and rock'n'roll (;
Hmm. in my personal expereince I can tell you that with ppc I have an
RTK card and it is badly usable. It gives regular DMA timeouts and
network outages.
WHile I have an old digital card which is recognized as tlp and that one
works excellently.