Subject: Re: mc* performance patch
To: Dave Huang <>
From: Tim Kelly <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/14/2005 08:24:12
Hi Dave,
> Perhaps the driver should be bus_dma-ified, and the call to malloc(9)
> replaced with bus_dmamem_alloc(9)?
> (I suppose that since mac68k has implemented bus_dma for a couple of
> years now, it's about time I fix the "XXX" and do the right thing
> there too :)
If you could do the 68k version of mc, I would be willing to follow your
example and extend this to the macppc version as well as the if_bm.c and
if_gm.c, if applicable. I am not familiar with some of the concepts of
bus_dma (I see a link for Jason Thorpe's presentation so I will try to
obtain that), so examples will help.