Subject: Re: Booting a PowerMac 7200 (progress made since last time !!)
To: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?R=E9mi?= Zara <>
From: Tim Kelly <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/01/2005 10:18:18
On Sun, 1 May 2005 15:53:12 +0200
R=E9mi Zara <> wrote:
> > Let me rephrase - where does this instruction branch to? You can =20
> > do an
> > objdump on just the openfirm.o file.
> I'm not sure I'm counting right, but it seems to branch on itself
That's just because it hasn't been run through the linker.
if (buflen > PAGE_SIZE)
return -1;=20
args.phandle =3D handle;
args.prop =3D prop;
args.buf =3D OF_buf;
args.buflen =3D buflen;
if (openfirmware(&args) =3D=3D -1)
return -1;
if (args.size > buflen)
args.size =3D buflen;
if (args.size > 0)
ofbcopy(OF_buf, buf, args.size);
return args.size;=20
> 000001d8 <OF_getprop>:
> 1d8: 94 21 ff d0 stwu r1,-48(r1)
> 1dc: 7c 08 02 a6 mflr r0
> 1e0: 93 c1 00 28 stw r30,40(r1)
> 1e4: 7c de 33 78 mr r30,r6
> 1e8: 93 41 00 18 stw r26,24(r1)
> 1ec: 3f 40 00 00 lis r26,0
> 1f0: 93 61 00 1c stw r27,28(r1)
> 1f4: 7c bb 2b 78 mr r27,r5
> 1f8: 93 81 00 20 stw r28,32(r1)
> 1fc: 7c 9c 23 78 mr r28,r4
> 200: 93 a1 00 24 stw r29,36(r1)
> 204: 7c 7d 1b 78 mr r29,r3
> 208: 93 e1 00 2c stw r31,44(r1)
> 20c: 90 01 00 34 stw r0,52(r1)
> 210: 48 00 00 01 bl 210 <OF_getprop+0x38>
> 214: 2c 1e 10 00 cmpwi r30,4096
> 218: 3d 20 00 00 lis r9,0
> 21c: 3b e9 00 00 addi r31,r9,0
> 220: 38 a0 ff ff li r5,-1
> 224: 7f e3 fb 78 mr r3,r31
> 228: 41 81 00 5c bgt- 284 <OF_getprop+0xac>
if (buflen > PAGE_SIZE)
return -1;=20
284 is the return route.
> 22c: 80 1a 00 00 lwz r0,0(r26)
> 230: 93 bf 00 0c stw r29,12(r31)
> 234: 93 9f 00 10 stw r28,16(r31)
> 238: 93 df 00 18 stw r30,24(r31)
> 23c: 90 1f 00 14 stw r0,20(r31)
args.phandle =3D handle;
args.prop =3D prop;
args.buf =3D OF_buf;
args.buflen =3D buflen;
> 240: 48 00 00 01 bl 240 <OF_getprop+0x68>
> 244: 38 a0 ff ff li r5,-1
> 248: 2c 03 ff ff cmpwi r3,-1
> 24c: 41 82 00 38 beq- 284 <OF_getprop+0xac>
if (openfirmware(&args) =3D=3D -1)
return -1;
> 250: 80 7f 00 1c lwz r3,28(r31)
> 254: 7f 64 db 78 mr r4,r27
> 258: 7c 03 f0 00 cmpw r3,r30
> 25c: 40 81 00 0c ble- 268 <OF_getprop+0x90>
> 260: 93 df 00 1c stw r30,28(r31) =20
if (args.size > buflen)
args.size =3D buflen;
> 264: 7f c3 f3 78 mr r3,r30
> 268: 2c 03 00 00 cmpwi r3,0
> 26c: 7c 65 1b 78 mr r5,r3
> 270: 40 81 00 10 ble- 280 <OF_getprop+0xa8>
if (args.size > 0)
ofbcopy(OF_buf, buf, args.size);
> 274: 80 7a 00 00 lwz r3,0(r26)
> 278: 48 00 00 01 bl 278 <OF_getprop+0xa0>
> 27c: 80 7f 00 1c lwz r3,28(r31)
> 280: 7c 65 1b 78 mr r5,r3
return route, which takes the result to be returned (args.size) from r5
and returns it via r3:
> 284: 80 01 00 34 lwz r0,52(r1)
> 288: 7c a3 2b 78 mr r3,r5
> 28c: 83 41 00 18 lwz r26,24(r1)
> 290: 83 61 00 1c lwz r27,28(r1)
> 294: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
> 298: 83 81 00 20 lwz r28,32(r1)
> 29c: 83 a1 00 24 lwz r29,36(r1)
> 2a0: 83 c1 00 28 lwz r30,40(r1)
> 2a4: 83 e1 00 2c lwz r31,44(r1)
> 2a8: 38 21 00 30 addi r1,r1,48
> 2ac: 4e 80 00 20 blr
So it appears the exception occurs when there is a jump back into the OF
client interface (openfirmware(&args)).
This is possibly the problem:
mflr 0 /* save return address */
stw 0,4(1) =20
stwu 1,-16(1) /* setup stack frame */
mfmsr 4 /* save msr */
stw 4,8(1)
lis 4,openfirmware_entry@ha /* get firmware entry point */
lwz 4,openfirmware_entry@l(4)
mtlr 4=20
li 0,0 /* clear battable translations*/
mtdbatu 2,0
mtdbatu 3,0
mtibatu 2,0
mtibatu 3,0
The 601 BAT settings are not the same as the rest of the PowerPC
architecture. The above wipes out the BAT mapping. Have you moved Open
Firmware above 8M?