Subject: -current userland
To: None <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/04/2005 23:53:23
[resending -- didn't see my mail on the list...]
i updated my cvs stuff today and gave it another try.
i'm running 3.99.3 (MP) from today now on 2.0.2 userland :/
however, i was not able to build the tools on the 2.0.2 MP kernel -- it
crashed randomly (never finished building the tools) -- the whole
machine was just stuck (not even answers to ICMP).
i didn't have the console of the G4 on my powerbook, so there was no
possibility to get further into that.
anyway, using the SP kernel it worked and so i finally got my 3.99.3
kernel (and this still works only *with* optimizations -- tried an
unoptimized kernel which crashed; more on that later)...
the first attempt was './ -j 8 -O /usr/obj -T /usr/tools
release' which ended up in cc consuming one CPU to 100 per cent, but
somehow 'hanging' in compiling 'write_pid.c'...
i started the second attempt (yes, on a clean dir and obj empty) with
'./ -O /usr/obj -T /usr/tools release' (AFAIK this is an
implicit -j 1?) and this runs up to now (the machine builds yp_stuff
right now).
if this runs through it'd be the first time since october 2004 (approx.
the same time when -current stopped working for me because of MCHK).
just fyi,
Timo Schoeler | |
//macfinity -- finest IT services |
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