Subject: Re: Anyone found a workaround for "g4 boots, but doesn't auto-boot"
To: Jeff Rizzo <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/21/2005 17:11:56
thus Jeff Rizzo spake:
> As part of my aggravating saga of getting this g4/466 up to a point
> where I can use it for testing, I ran across an issue where I can get
> everything booting OK manually, but when I set auto-boot? to true, the
> machine hangs at a white screen.
> Googling a bit led me to several threads about it (the most recent one
> about a year old), and a very old PR (12786) closed(!) with no useful
> information. Has anyone made any progress on this? Is there anything I
> can try?
> Between this auto-boot issue and not having a serial console, it's gonna
> be awful hard to do remote testing on this machine...
> Thanks,
> +j
i set up a machine for a customer two months ago (G3/300 b&w) to act as
mail server -- this did autoboot w/o problems. not tried it on my G4 yet.
IIRC there's different behaviour on different models (e.g. the
400/450/500 G4 series consists of two series which preceded the G4/466
you have).
Timo Schoeler | |
//macfinity -- finest IT services |
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