Subject: Re: apple ppc 4400 with matrox
To: None <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/02/2005 10:57:25
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> does somebody use netbsd for ppc apple 4400 ?
A few do as far as I know.
> but i have a damaged video board, so i installed a matrox Millennium=20
> pci video board the problem now is how to configure the system to use
> this video board the kernel seems to understand the board, but how to
> redirect a console to this device ?
> the openfirmware doesn't seem to understand the matrox ........
> so i think matrox board actually doesn't have OF support=20
Dig around on - flash utilities and drivers for MacOS are
available for download for Millennium I and II boards.=20
> # dmesg | grep Matrox
> ofb0 at pci0 dev 13 function 0: Matrox MGA Millennium 2064W ("Storm")=20
> netbsd has no framebuffer support like linux does
It has something similar and your problem has nothing to do with
framebuffer support. NetBSD/macppc relies on OpenFirmware to put the
graphics board into a usable state.
The problem is that most versions of the Matrox firmware for PowerMacs
is pretty much broken and works properly only under MacOS. It also likes
to deadlock on G3 CPUs but that shouldn't affect you. Reportedly there
are firmware variants for the Millennium I ( that's what you have )
which work as OpenFirmware console, unfortunately I've been unable to
find it - the newest ones on don't do it for me ( I have both
a Millennium I and a II ).
Finding the right output-device for OF is easy - should be
/bandit/MTRX,Millennium for you. Apparently you used a serial console -
just do <dev /bandit> and <ls> in OF, this should list your PCI devices,
one of them will be the Millennium.
good luck
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