Subject: Re: Apple switches to intel -- welcome to the 'historic section', port-macppc
To: Dan LaBell <>
From: Cameron Kaiser <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/07/2005 06:24:39
> Will the new machines still boot with openfirmware?
AFAICT, no. They appear to be more or less bog-standard PCs (even the
developer SDK) and a contact of mine pointed to a Apple internal memo
saying Open Firmware is dead in the new line. I think this is even
documented in the WWDC SDK kit, if anyone here has ADC credentials.
This means it will be very interesting to see how they keep grubby
little hands out of the OS. Somewhere, some bright whippersnapper will
figure out a way to hoodwink OS X to boot on non-official hardware.
---------------------------------- personal: --
Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif., USA *
-- When in doubt, take a pawn. -- Mission: Impossible ("Crack-Up") ------------