Subject: Re: Apache 2.0.x and PHP4
To:, Daejuan Jacobs <>
From: Donald Lee <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/01/2005 10:14:20
Thanks, much.
I managed to get it to work, though in a very crude way.
I have php-4.3.11 installed as pkg_add, but apache2 is built by me.
(historical reasons, hard to change) This would explain why the pkg
system didn't like me.
I tried force-installing ap_php, but that didn't install the stuff I
needed, and I didn't see any ref to apache2 in the ap-php pkg. I also
saw a bunch of ap2-* packages, and presumed that since php was not
among them that php for apache2 was not yet available.
What I did was get php 4.3.11 from, and build from source with the
"configure" settings as shown in "php -i" output. This should closely
match the pkg system build. I then did a "make install_sapi", which appears
to just install the module in /usr/local/apache/modules.
My previous problems building this from source are a mystery. When I
blew it all away and started over with php-4.3.11, it worked fine. I
*think* it was a missing "make clean" that bit me, but I don't know.
Is there an easy way to "trick" the ap-php package into thinking that I
have apache2 installed?
At 12:30 AM -0700 8/1/05, wrote:
>if you install apache2 first from /usr/pkgsrc/apache2 then do ap-php it should just install modules for apache 2
>n Sun, 31 Jul 2005, Daejuan Jacobs wrote:
>> Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 19:02:32 -0500
>> From: Daejuan Jacobs <>
>> To: Donald Lee <>
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: Apache 2.0.x and PHP4
>> Where does the build fail? What error messages do you get during compile?
>> On 7/31/05, Donald Lee <> wrote:
>>> Has anyone managed to install PHP4 and apache2 under MacPPC 1.6.2?
>>> I've just spent a day trying to do this with packages, and now from
>>> source, and so far, no joy.
>>> If I use packages, the ap-php package only supports Apache 1.3.
>>> If I use source (from the build fails.
>>> Has anyone out there managed to make this work?
>>> -dgl-
>> -- Man Wit Da Plan.