Subject: Re: boot cd
To: Jonathan A. Kollasch <>
From: Hammond, Robin-David%KB3IEN <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/09/2005 15:22:16
Have had much hassle booting the 202 CDs on the apple ppcs.
I sugest that if you can burn a 161 cd using the default settings of Disk
Utility, and it boots when you write it as a disk not a session, then if
202 doesnt work that you are experiencing the same proplem that i and
others have had with older versions of openfirmware using that image. It
may be the cd's boot blocks the os runs fine.
Install 161 on one disk.
install the 2.x boot blocks on a second disk, and install the binaries to
the second disk.
Its a pain but I have a very sweet 2.0.2 ppc router and it was worth every
minute of it.
On Mon, 8 Aug 2005, Jonathan A. Kollasch wrote:
> Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 19:50:10 -0500
> From: Jonathan A. Kollasch <>
> To:
> Cc: Roger Midmore <>
> Subject: Re: boot cd
> On Monday 08 August 2005 07:29 pm, Roger Midmore wrote:
>> I was wondering what program people use to create a installation cd in OS
>> X. Every program I've tried to burn 3.7 with off the internet doesn't seem
> The latest release of *NetBSD* is 2.0.2.
>> to work quite right. They will do something weird like make the names of
>> the files all uppercase. I'm pretty sure the format is suppose to be
>> ISO9660 cd with the mac exstensions. Does anyone know a program which can
>> burn the proper image?
> NetBSD supplies pre-built iso images for macppc at
> Jonathan Kollasch
> PS Sorry I couldn't be of actual help.
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Robin-David Hammond KB3IEN