Subject: Re: recent commits
To: Michael <>
From: Davide Zanon <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/14/2005 22:24:13
On Sunday 14 August 2005 22:22, Davide Zanon wrote:
> On Wednesday 10 August 2005 16:01, Michael wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I finally committed the hardware monitoring stuff that's been around for
> > a while. Here's the dmesg output of my iBook G4:
> Hi, sorry for replying off-list. but I know what I'll write hasn't got any
> usefulness. I would just like to thank you for your work. I own the 12" pb
> you'll surely remember ;) and though it hasn't got the same hw sensors as
> the ibook, I can use it better because snapper's bass&treble control works
> perfectly. Thank you. That's all ;)
This wasn't properly off list, sorry. When you get used always to the same
button, you don't know what you do anymore :(