Subject: Fwd: XFree86 on an iMac
To: None <>
From: leo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/21/2005 21:53:31
finally got an XFree86 binary with debug symbols, it was not really easy
On 8/19/05, Michael <> wrote:
> It's easy to build a monolithic Xserver the traditional way ( via make
> World in xsrc/xfree/xc ) - just put something like this into your
> ( in config/cf/ ):
this was host.def :)
> #define BuildDebug YES
> #define XF86CardDrivers ati
> #define DoLoadableServer NO
> #define BuildFonts NO
With this configuration i got a monolitic Xserver but there was no
debug information inside, so i modified the Makefile in
programs/Xserver to add the -g switch.
From there, with "make XFree86", I got (making by hand some
dependencies here and there) a gigantic 51854329 bytes binary. i'm
sure there was an easier and cleanier way :)
well, after playing for a couple of hours with X and gdb i got to the
point where the screen goes black... is inside the function
ATIModeSet at line 951 of
the exact code line is
outr(CRTC_GEN_CNTL, pATIHW->crtc_gen_cntl & ~(CRTC_EXT_DISP_EN | CRTC_EN));
pATIHW->crtc_gen_cntl =3D 1258291712
I have the entire pATIHW struct just before this instruction but is
quite big so i will not spam the list unless requested
I think I reached a point where things are far beyond my knowledge, it
has been fun :-)