Subject: Re: kernel panic with multiprocessing kernel
To: Kjell Konis <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/24/2005 20:01:30
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On 2005.08.24 11:37:16 +0000, Kjell Konis wrote:
| Hi,
| I have a PowerMac 9500 that has a 2 x 200MHz 604 daughter card in it =20
| (that I am guessing came from a 9600/200MP). I used the adjustkernel =20
| utility to generate a kernel configuration file then added 'options =20
| MULTIPROCESSOR' and commented out altivec support. The kernel built =20
| with no problems (sources came from cvs) but panics shortly after =20
| booting up and sometimes even while booting up. The last lines in =20
| the console are:
| mp_save_fpu_proc{1} pid =3D ##.#, fpcpu->ci_cpuid =3D 0
| panic: mp_save_fpu_proc
| where the ##.# is some number that's different each time. It then =20
| drops into a debugger.
Can you get a trace ? See
-- Rui Paulo
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