Subject: Re: Kernel breakage
To: Michael <>
From: Johan =?iso-8859-1?Q?Wall=E9n?= <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/02/2006 10:14:30
Michael <> writes:
> any kernel compiled from sources updated today borks very early, in fact
> it only prints the start address and immediately runs into a DEFAULT
> CATCH. Kernels built from older sources ( 12/23 or so ) work fine.
> This happens on my G3-equipped S900, didn't try the iBook yet.
> Before I seriously start digging:
> - is it just me or does it happen to anyone else?
It happens to me on a PowerBook G4, but I get a
Invalid memory access at %SRR0: 001017cc %SRR1: 00080030
instead of a DEFAULT CATCH.
-- Johan