Subject: Re: Problems installing 3.0 on b&w G3
To: None <>
From: Joachim Thiemann <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/24/2006 16:46:06
Hello John and Rudi,
On 2/24/06, Rudi Ludwig <> wrote:
> The small details matter, this S0 RUFS, S1 SFS and S2 UFS. The partition
> labeld RUFS is what the kernel picks as the root directory.
> Should look similar to this:
> Partition map (with 512 byte blocks) on '/dev/rwd0c'
> #: type name length base ( size )
> 1: Apple_partition_map Apple 63 @ 1
> 2: Apple_HFS boot 4000 @ 64 ( 2.0M)
> 3: Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap 614400 @ 4064 (300.0M) S1 SFS k0
> (swap)
> 4: Apple_UNIX_SVR2 root 409600 @ 618464 (200.0M) S0 RUFS k0 /
> 5: Apple_UNIX_SVR2 home 5033000 @ 1028064 ( 2.4G) S2 UFS k0 /=
Ok, I made sure I have that (except I have the additional partitions
due to using the OS X disk editor installing OS9 drivers). Still no
> If that is okay. What does the kernel think the root fs-type is?
It doesn't get that far. The kernel does all the hardware detection,
then the last thing I get is:
uhid1 at uhidev2 reportid 3: input=3D3, output=3D0, feature=3D0
boot device: <unknown>
root device: _
(cursor on last line)
following John's suggestion of removing and reattaching the USB
keyboard didn't work, unfortunately, and I tried an ADB keyboard as
> I had a strange case were the kernel figured the root fs was msdos but
> was a correct ffs. fsck said okay. zeroing the first 4k of that
> partition (slide) before doing the newfs of the reinstall helped.
Hmm, that doesn't seem to be my issue, but I could try clearing the
first 4 k of the drive (heck, why not! :-)
> Did you format root ffs with v2? I have not followed the status of this
> but v1, seams the safe bet there.
No, I'm using plain FFSv1.
I'll follow John's suggestion of building a kernel with a "config
netbsd root at wd0a type ?" in the config file first - I assume that
is the correct syntax, John? I don't know if a "swap at wd0b" is
needed, I guess rc can take care of that...
I'll keep posting...