Subject: Re: Cannot boot netbsd 3.0 from CD
To: Chris Tribo <>
From: Iain Dooley <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/18/2006 15:24:00
On Sun, 18 Jun 2006, Chris Tribo wrote:
> Iain Dooley wrote:
>> Hi, i'm trying to boot netbsd 3.0 from a CD created on a FreeBSD 6.0
>> machine using cdrecord from the file macppccd-3.0.iso that i obtained from
>> the netbsd ftp site.
> That ISO image is probably an ISO/HFS hybrid which will not boot on
> OpenFirmware before 3.x. You need to copy all the files off of the CD and
> make a "pure" ISO9660 image following directions here:
i did the following:
%mkisofs -A "NetBSD 3.0 macppc unofficial" -N -L -l -o
macppc_unofficial.iso -P "Unofficial Unsupported" -p "Unofficial
Unsupported" -R -r -V "NetBSD macppc 3.0 unofficial" macppccd-3.0.iso
mkisofs: The option '-L' is reserved by POSIX.1-2001.
mkisofs: The option '-L' means 'follow all symbolic links'.
mkisofs: Mkisofs-2.02 will introduce POSIX semantics for '-L'.
mkisofs: Use -allow-leading-dots in future to get old mkisofs behavior.
mkisofs: The option '-P' is reserved by POSIX.1-2001.
mkisofs: The option '-P' means 'do not follow symbolic links'.
mkisofs: Mkisofs-2.02 will introduce POSIX semantics for '-P'.
mkisofs: Use -publisher in future to get old mkisofs behavior.
Warning: creating filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660.
the thing that concerns me is that it specifcally warns me that the cd
will not conform to ISO-9660, which is the problem in the first place!
> [...]
>> from following instructions on the install page, i have managed to boot
>> into open firmware, and ascertained that scsi-int/sd@3:0 should be bootable
>> (using the 'words' command), but when i type:
>> boot scsi-int/sd@3:0 NETBSD.MACPPC
> Assuming the CD-ROM is at SCSI ID 3, you are close, except for you are
> missing a comma, and you can't boot the kernel directly from the CD. You need
> to load ofwboot.xcf which in turn loads the kernel.
> boot device/address@ID:partition,file
> boot scsi-int/sd@3:0,OFWBOOT.XCF is probably what you want.
>> it says that it cannot open it. also, if i do:
>> dev scsi-int/sd@3 ok
>> dir
> You aren't specifying a partition number, and because it's a hybrid cd, which
> OF won't understand. At least not with the method we're currently generating
> CDs with.
this stuff still didn't work, but presumably because the filesystem on the
cd was not 'pure iso9660'.