Subject: Re: Monitor sync'ing under auto-boot? on OF 3?
To: None <>
From: Magnus Henoch <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/03/2006 12:06:43
gabriel rosenkoetter <> writes:
> Despite something of a version jump (I'm ashamed to admit it was
> still running... 1.6K. No, really), things under both NetBSD and
> OpenFirmware (almost as useful as OpenBoot!) 3 are mostly familiar,
> and OF 3 is mostly less of a pain than OF 1.0.5, only but if the
> system is permitted auto-boot? true (with output ostensibly going
> to the monitor, of course, not ttya), instead of boot messages and
> console, it is simply blank white. If, instead, boot is issued
> manually at the OF prompt, what I expect to happen does (ofwboot.xcf
> flies by, boot messages in the silly OpenFirmware font start
> scrolling).
Does this help? (the topmost example, that is)