Subject: Power Macintosh 9500 / 132
To: None <>
From: Marcos Onisto <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/27/2006 16:29:52
Hello All,
I have many doubt's about intallation of NetBSD on my box. We can
begin for boot. I can't boot my box using my Cd-rom. I dont know what
is wrong, but i was follow the INSTALL file. I try all alternatives,
but i can't do it.
Another doubt is about the files that there are on the Cd-rom, for
exemplo the file afwboot.xcf and netbsd.macppc. There aren't the file
afwboot.xcf and netbsd.macppc on the ( / ) structure of the Cd-rom,
but i have put in it as arguments on the boot command.
When i use the dir command i always have some errors about that not
possible open my devices, i follow exactly what the documentation say,
but i have problems. I never got to use this command and i dont what
is wrong.
When i try to boot for floppy disks i have another problem, the first
floppy was good without errors, my box eject this and order to the
second one. When i put in the second, the floppy unit begin to read it
and only stop without show me a error. I already try four floppy
disks, but i didn't have a successfull.
I don't know exactly what does it mean " May need to disconnect the
internal cdrom drive to boot from any device". This part is about my
box ( 9500 ) on the page Model Support ( Reason / Remarks ). It mean
that a have to disconnect my Cd-rom, if i do it how can i do one boot
with my Cd-rom ?
Can someone help me please?
I appreciate some help.
Marcos Luiz Onisto