Subject: port-macppc
To: netbsd-macppc macppc <>
From: Jens Wurm <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/20/2006 01:32:18
Subject: sysinst+newfs_lfs problem
From: jens
Release: NetBSD 3.1_stable
System: NetBSD-3.1_stable
Architecture: macppc
Machine: macppc
i want to install netbsd-3.1_stable on my powerbook g4, last
revision. i boot the netbsd-GENERIC_MD.gz from a hfs+ volumes, there
are no problems.i want to use lfs, as filesystem, the problem is that i
can in sysinst change the filesystem to 4.4LFS, but it want towrite the
new filesystem, it comes the following error:
sysinst: /sbin/newfs_lfs: no such file or directory
the same error i have by the install of netbsd-3.0.2