Subject: Re: mac mini sound driver
To: Matthew Wala <>
From: Marco Trillo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/25/2006 10:39:21
On 11/24/06, Matthew Wala <> wrote:
> I have an earlier model of the Mac Mini running 3.1 which I work with
> KDE on. I have only been succesfully able to get sound working with
> the awacs driver. How can I get KDE's sound system to work properly?
> I tried configuring KDE's sound control panel, but testing the audio
> only results in the most terrible noise I've ever heard. Individual
> applications like mpg321 work fine though.
The problem may be that awacs(4) might not be the right driver for the Mac Mini.
The Mac Mini appear to use an "AOAKeyLargo" audio hardware, which
appears to be a DAC without mixer present. According to a message to
this mailing list [1], this is supported by an aoa(4) driver available
at [2]. You can try it and test.
Some also got sound working from snapper(4), although aoa(4) is
supposed to be the right driver for this hardware.