Subject: Stability of NetBSD 3.1 on MacPPC
To: None <>
From: Donald Lee <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/07/2007 20:59:03
Are there any opinions about whether 3.1 is ready for a production use?
I have seen the upgrade procedures in sysinst (and postinstall), and they
appear to be a great help to my upgrade plans. If this will help
me as much as I hope, I will have the option to move to 3.1
Any opinions on this? I need a stable box (24x7) - I want it to
stay up for years without complaint. My other NetBSD boxes on MacPPC
stay up a long time. I just retired one that had gone 503 days since the
last reboot, and I think one of my 68K Mac IIci boxes went almost
3 years.... (The retiree is a Power Center 132 that has been in
production since Jan 2001)
For what I want - web and ftp server, shell users, ppp dial-up - will
3.1 (or 4.x) be a big improvement?
Does anyone know if serial works reliably in 3.1 with older
(PM7x00-class) machines?