Subject: Re: Boot, cpu, testing
To: None <>
From: Loic Hoguin <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/17/2007 02:22:39
On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 00:24:05 +0100, Magnus Henoch <>
> "Loic Hoguin" <> writes:
>> - I read on the mailing lists here[1][2] some interesting things about
>> booting NetBSD directly ; but since I wasn't here at the time I may
>> not fully understand what they're trying to accomplish. So here's my
>> question: can NetBSD boot from an iBook G4 with OFW3 without having
>> to type boot in OFW?
> Yes. I set boot-device to 'hd:3,\ofwboot.xcf', boot-file to
> 'hd:5,/netbsd', and boot-command to '" screen" output boot'. The
> first path refers to ofwboot.xcf in the root of my Mac OS partition,
> and the second to the kernel in my NetBSD root partition. The third
> setting is needed to initialize the display.
Thanks for the tip, it worked. I guess I was missing the '" screen" output'
part last time. I made a 32MB HFS partition with only ofwboot.xcf at hd:2,
a swap and netbsd partition. And it works like a charm.
Loïc Hoguin