Subject: Re: for what ails your gem(4)
To: None <>
From: Allen Wong <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/12/2007 16:35:16
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-> > I have the same problem with a netbsd-current (5 days ago) on an amd64
-> > hardware with a msk network card.
-> >=20
-> > If I try to send large files by scp or ftp it timeouts and I must do
-> > ifconfig down and up to make the network card work again.
-> >=20
-> > However I can receive big files without any problem.
-> >=20
-> > I'll be able to do more tests or submit a PR this week-end. (I hope)
You're right! My NetBSD 4 machine can receive large files, it just can't
send them.
I just tested it on my NetBSD 3 box and it sent a 1.1GB file fine. =20
-> This is beginning to sound like a TCP problem rather than a driver
-> problem. (I do still believe that gem(4) has outstanding problems.)
-> You are not using PF, are you? Just a few days ago, a student and I
-> tripped over an undesirable interaction between PF and TCP.
Although PF is compiled into the kernel, I haven't had time to set it up.
When in doubt, mumble.
Jim Boren founder of International Association of Professional Bureaucr=
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