Subject: Re: radeonfb(4) resolution
To: Marco Trillo <>
From: Michael Lorenz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/27/2007 13:10:00
Hash: SHA1
On Sep 27, 2007, at 09:00, Marco Trillo wrote:
> Also, use static EDID modes only if a port connector type is
> RADEON_CONN_CRT. For example on my eMac there are two ports, one is
> the internal monitor (CRT connector type) and the other port has
> another connector type (the external monitor port, I guess, although I
> have never used it). So it should now be possible to use static EDID
> for the internal monitor and a different EDID mode from the external
> monitor.
I think this is problematic. Think of all those laptops with a TFT as
primary monitor, with that change they wouldn't be able to use static
EDID and not all panels provide DDC2 data ( the one in my iBook G4
does but that's apparently an exception )
The proper solution would be me getting around and hack the kernel
pass an indication which port the static EDID block has been read
from, then radeonfb could do The Right Thing.
> By the way, this patch also implements underline support for the
> radeonfb putchar function. Works fine for me. In fact, it doesn't only
> add underline support but also other attributes (such as invert,
> highlight, etc.) -- these are provided by the generic
> rasops_allocattr() function (instead of using a radeonfb_allocattr()
> which didn't do anything special and which dind't care about these
> attributes).
Yeah, attribute support has been lacking in all fb drivers, inverse
being the only one that (usually) worked. Maybe it can be abstracted
out since it would likely do the same thing on all drivers?
Thanks for your work, I hope I'll have time to have a closer look at
the patch later today.
have fun
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