Subject: Re: Seemingly random SIGILL in SMP
To: Allen Wong <>
From: Michael Lorenz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/05/2007 11:53:59
Hash: SHA1
On Oct 5, 2007, at 11:42, Allen Wong wrote:
> -> in both -current and 4.0 I occasionally see processes dies with
> -> SIGILL, apparently at random. Looking at the core files revealed
> that
> -> the faulting instruction was always part of a PLT table, apparently
> -> they're not always flushed out after writing them. I can't reliably
> -> trigger the fault but building something non-trivial ( like a
> -> userland ) usually runs into it at some point.
> -> So,
> -> - - does anyone else see this?
> Yes, I do whenever I try to build the userland. It usually takes
> me five or
> six tries before completion. I also get the occasional SIGSTOP and
> I believe. It's very random, it will almost never happen again at
> the same
> place.
To verify it's the same problem please load the core file into gdb
and disassemble what's at the fault address:
gdb -c whatever.core /path/to/whatever
disassemble 0xwhereveritborked
If the disassembly dump looks like this:
li r11,something
b somewhere
li r11, somethingelse
b elsewhere
or something like that ( just a long list of loads and branches )
then it's the same problem.
> -> - - if so, in SMP or in UP as well? I've never seen this with an
> -> uniprocessor kernel.
> ->
> I'll build the userland in a UP kernel tonight and let you know.
> My iMac G3
> has never had this problem and is extremely stable.
That sounds indeed like the problem I'm talking about.
> -> I changed the powerpc-specific part of ld.elf_so to flush the cache
> -> in a more consistent way and since then I haven't seen any
> SIGILL and
> -> my G4's been building stuff from pkgsrc all night.
> ->
> -> If you see those SIGILL on a recent -current please try my patched
> -> ld.elf_so ( just dump it into /libexec, you might have to use
> install
> -> instead of cp though ) and see if they go away. The binary is here:
> ->
> -> built from yesterday's sources.
> ->
> I'll test the new ld.elf_so as well.
It probably won't work in 4.0, I'll build you one that does.
have fun
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