Subject: Re: Audio device
To: Marco Trillo <>
From: Adam Kranzel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/26/2007 15:04:12
Marco Trillo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been working on some improvements for the audio device drivers
> and I thought it would be nice to add support for the currently
> missing audio devices.
> If you are interested in audio support and have one of the following models:
> - iMac first generation (rev. A-D)
> - PowerMac G3 'Blue&White' (or 'Yosemite')
> - PowerMac G4 'PCI Graphics' (or 'Yikes!')
> - Power Macintosh G3 beige with a Bordeaux personality card
> ('DVD-Video and Audio/Video Card').
> then I would be thankful if you tested a driver that should get
> working audio for all of the output ports. These modes have the
> Burgundy audio IC, which is not supported by our current awacs(4)
> driver (even if it attaches) since (unlike the Screamer) it's
> different from the AWACS.
> Thanks,
> Marco.
I have a blue&white G3 I could test on, though it'd have to be boot off
a CD or something, as the machine doesn't normally run NetBSD. I have a
beige G3 that I could do a full install on, though I don't know what
personality card is in it. How do I find out?