Subject: Re: Help: 3.0.1->4.0 screwed X display on iBook
To: Jan Henrik Sylvester <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/29/2007 10:53:28
Hash: SHA1
On Dec 29, 2007, at 07:24, Jan Henrik Sylvester wrote:
> I have an old iBook (clamshell) that has an "ATI 3D Rage Mobility
> graphics controller" with "ATI Mach64 adapter" according to
> XFree86.0.log, which matches what is reported by Open Firmware.
> On NetBSD 3.0.1, XFree86 did not work but died immediately. Xmacppc
> did work (though 8 bit colors did not look great). I postponed
> looking for the error that made XFree86 die to 4.0.
> On 4.0, both Xmacppc and XFree86 start, but both give totally
> distorted graphics (in different ways). I played a lot with
> XF86Config, but I cannot fix XFree86. (XF86Config seems to have no
> influence on Xmacppc.)
Yikes, I bet it's a Rage LT - neither machfb nor XFree86's atimisc
driver can handle it properly and I don't have the hardware so I
can't really look into it.
What you can do is to use XFree86 with the wsfb driver, it is
unaccelerated and limited to whatever video mode OpenFirmware sets up
but at least it should give a usable X.
> What the display exactly looks like with XFree86 depends on the
> color depth. I describe it for 16 bit:
> The top quarter (full width) shows something that looks like xterms
> on the left, but with some "bars". Typing something into one of
> them, I only get a few dots. If that were fonts, they would be way
> to small. On the right, I see the clock, which basically looks
> correct, maybe too small, too. The mouse cursor looks ok.
Looks like X and the hardware disagree about colour depth. Try 8 bit,
X may fail to tell the DAC about pixel format change for some reason.
> (--) PCI:*(0:16:0) ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility L AGP 2x rev
> 100, Mem @ 0x91000000/24, 0x90000000/12, I/O @ 0x0400/8, BIOS @
> 0x90020000/17
Hmm, not an LT after all, so it's probably the whole L series :/
have fun
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