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Re: Booting original G3 iMac?

I've finally been able to get back to this...

On Mon, 14 Dec 2009, Izumi Tsutsui wrote:

It might be worth to try INSTALL kernel,
which doesn't have machfb(4) but only genfb(4).

If it works, you can disable machfb(4) in GENERIC by userconf(4):

boot [yourbootdevalias]:,ofwboot.xcf -c
uc> disable machfb
uc> quit

Yes, disabling machfb puts genfb in charge and I can see further
kernel messages.

It then goes on to attach scsibus0 at mesh0 and then seems to hang
forever waiting for the non-existent SCSI devices to settle.

So the next iteration, I disabled mesh as well.  The last message on
the display then was something about "bio <something>..."  and it just
sat there like that.  I'd run out of time (and consciousness) by
then, though...

I'll try again as soon as I can (and try to post results more
promptly so they won't be from weeks-old memory...)

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
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