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Another pkg question - named replacement

I continue with my server upgrade, installing, testing and tweaking.
5.0.2 is much faster on the same HW than NetBSD 2.1, AFAICT.  It's

I ran into a problem with the std named (bind v ??) and decided that the
simplest way to deal with it was to install the pkg version of
bind (v 9.6.1) and use that.  I see that the pkg system installs
/etc/rc.d/named9 instead of overwriting /etc/rc.d/named, but because of 
the way the PATH is set up, and the way bin/named installs a
bunch of tools in addition to the actual daemon, I decided I had
better "hide" the std named, so the /usr/pkg version would be
reliably chosen to run.

What I decided to do is do a

        mv /usr/sbin/named /usr/sbin/named.orig

on all the std bind tools.  It's crude, but does the job.

Question:  Is there a more elegant way to do this?  I could have done
this with a thicket of symlinks, too, but I don't want to blow away
the std versions, lest I have to fall back.



P.S.  The problem I ran into was that under heavy load, the 5.0.2 bind
would get "stuck" - not dead, but _really_ slow - unusable.  Rather than
try to debug it, I decided to upgrade bind.  9.6.1 seems to be working

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