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modules tests cause -current to crash

I'm currently in the process of getting a machine (g4/400 with 1G RAM) up in order to regularly run the ATF test suite on the macppc port... but it seems that the 'modules' tests are a convenient way to panic the system. :}

What's the state of module-loading support on macppc? I see that GENERIC is configured as MODULAR, but given that the basic tests don't pass...

to see what I mean, try this on a -current system that you don't mind crashing:

# cd /usr/tests/modular
# atf-run | atf-report
Tests root: /usr/tests/modules

t_modctl (1/3): 5 test cases


DDB shows a kernel PGM trap that I'm too lazy to ten-finger copy right now in module_do_load. (incidentally, my usb keyboard doesn't really work in DDB - sometimes I can type a character or two before it goes dead, but it always goes dead)

For now, my next step is to figure out how to skip the module tests...  ;)


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