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Re: machfb (sort of) working on Mach64 GX

On Thu, 28 Apr 2011, Michael wrote:

There is one way to find out if the mode setting code is the culprit ( it probably is ).
In mach4_attach() look for this:
if (setmode)
        mach64_modeswitch(sc, sc->sc_my_mode);

and comment it out.

I'll do that next.  In the meantime:

So, someone with an iMac please try the above, build a kernel with options MACHFB_DEBUG and send me the kernel output ( it should contain a dump of the monitor's EDID block ). With that I should be able to tell wether the logic that picks a video mode is faulty ( it probably is, since the iMac's CRTs require a fixed horizontal frequency which is rather unusual ).

Done.  Actually, MACHFB_DEBUG and DIAGNOSTIC set, but only in machfb.c

The resulting dmesg can be found at:


I've inserted some /* comments about what the screen is doing */ at
a few key points.

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